additional services
Taxi route
Working long hours? Bad traffic driving home from Disney? Flight leaving at 4am? Last minute plans at 5pm? Well have no fear, taxi service is here and ready to save you an overnight fee. Call and schedule a pick up, drop off, or both on those days you really aren’t sure you can get to daycare within hours. Make sure to schedule in advanced, give us a key or code to get in the house, and detailed instructions on where the pups go once we get in.
Taxi is run Monday through Friday only, unless approve by a weekend staff. Pick ups are around 7-8am and drop offs start at 5pm. Must be within 5 miles, additional fees apply for outside range.
Taxi one way: $23, Additional dog: $5, Each mile over: $5
In-home services
Not all dogs can do daycare, and not all cats want to be around other cats, and that’s ok! For those that love lots of one on one time, in home visits and dog walks are a great way to get energy out and get all the attention they need and deserve. Dog walks are simple: we go in, leash up your pup, and go on a 20-30 minute dog walk. In home visits, however, can consist of lots of different things. For dogs they can be playing in a backyard, watering, feeding, and giving medications; while for cats they can be watering and feeding, cleaning up litter, and having some play time with toys and catnip.
If you’re out of town and needing a visit we can also: check mail and bring in packages, water plants, take down and bring up trash cans on trash day, close and open blinds, turn lights on and off, and just check in on your house in general to make sure everything is ok. In home visits are 30 minutes long and can be schedule AM, mid day, and PM. Always make sure you schedule in advanced, have a way for us to get in the house, and have an emergency contact number just in case.
30 minute in home visit or 20-30minute dog walk: $35, Each additional dog for walking: $5
Small animal care
cat boarding/daycare
We also offer cat boarding and daycare! The cat room is located up front in our lobby and has a large window the cats love to look out and watch all the dogs going by. All boarding cats get to be free roam, but can start in a cat condo if they are feeling nervous. We have two cat water fountains, a row of XL litter boxes, and lots of cat trees and shelves that are perfect for jumping and scratching on. We also have a large bin of cat toys and lots and LOTS of cat treats (licky sticks are a room favorite and help everyone socialize!). Our cat room gets cleaned and scooped every morning and laundry is done constantly so all cats and kittens have a clean fresh place to sleep and cuddle. And don’t forget: we currently have a few cats up for adoption as we are always taking in fosters, so if you’re looking for a new pet, we might have the perfect fit for you!
Overnight: $32, Each additional cat: $26
Daycare: $23, Each additional cat: $20
We love animals of all shapes and sizes, and love learning about new ones. Thankfully we have space in our building away from the cats and dogs where we are able to keep small animals overnight. We currently have one ferret cage, but most people bring their enclosures from home. All small animals get water and fed daily, cleaning daily or every other day (depending what type of animal it is), are handled and cuddled, and always get photos on social media. In home visits may also be used for small animals, not just cats and dogs.
Types of animals we have cared for: ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, bearded dragons, fish, rats, turtles/tortoise, hedgehog, and guinea pigs
Small animal care starts at $25 per night, Additional small animals: $15
Not only do we offer all boarding dogs a free bath if they stay 7+ nights, but you are also always able to add on any bath or a la carte service to a daycare day or pickup from an overnight. All baths come with a deep cleaning shampoo and a coat spray. Long haired dogs and tufting dogs (oh those Huskies!) also receive a good brush session after drying. We also offer nail trims and grind, gland expressions, teeth brushing, ear cleanings, and cat nail trims.
Baths: start at $25, depends on size and coat length
Nail trim: $15
Nail grind: $15
Gland expression: $20
Teeth brushing: $12
Ear cleaning: $10
Cat nails: $10